Spirituality: The Blissful Path to Inner Peace

Spirituality Defines "Concerned about the inner peace rather than Materlistic World"

First of all conscious willingness and conscious realization is must. "Who i am?" and "What is the Purpose of Life?" and than the journey of spirituality begins....

What is the real purpose of Life?

Throughout the ages, the mystics, saints, sages, and yogis of this world have all given us the same answer, to develop a personal relationship with God, one that connects us with Spirit in our everyday lives. Spiritual living is a practical approach to developing that relationship with our omnipresent God.

What is Spirituality?

It is wider term with many perceptives. But in general it includes the connection of our "Spirit or Soul" with omnipresent God. Some People describe Spirituality as a preciuos and sacred or simple deep sense of aliveness and interconnection. Some People will say that their spiritual life is linked with in association of religious place like Temple, Church, Mosque.... Some says their connection to nature or art. Like our senses, definitaion may keep on changing depending upon our experiences and relationships.
Spirituality is an inherent aspect of the human experience, that refers to search for meaning, purpose beyond the physical realm. It is understanding the deeper truths of existence, someone's interconnection with all living beings . Like the religious dogma, Spritualaity is not bound by rigid beliefs, but it encourages an open mind and an open heart.

Who I am?

Spirituality lies in the meaning of Life. As a human we are struggle to know the answers of the question," Who I Am?, What is the purpose of Life? Spirituality helps you in coping with these questions and when you will find the answer and enabling individual to find their purpose and regulate their actions with inner values. Once you find the purpose of your life, you will feel your self in never ending divine happiness forever.

Self Connection.

Spirituality helps us inwards our journey towards Self Connection. Practices like meditation, yoga push us to silence the outer noise and listen the whispered sound of our soul. Self Connection encourages a state of peace, stability, clarity and allowing to handle life's challenges with grace and flexibility under no stress and fear.

Detachment from Materialistic Things and giving up Ego.

 The ego, with never stopping desires and attachments can become the hurdle in your spirituality awakening. Spirituality helps us to detach from materialistic things and enjoy the ultimate divine happiness that never ends under any circumstances. by giving up the ego, we will become less reactive to external situations and circumstnaces and will experience a greater sense of peace and happiness.


Live in the Present Moment.

We have to love and embrace the present moment that is also the one thing that Spirituality teaches us. Recalling about the past bad experiences and worrying about the future you will miss the wisdom and beauty that lies in present one. Through Meditation practices in Spirituality we can learn to enjoy each moment and favor a gratitude for this gift of life. 

Spirituality for Emotional Well Being.

There is always a connection between the two Spirtuality and Emotional Well Being and they  influence one another and overlap, as do all aspects of well being.
  • Spirtutality is about seeking a blissful and meaningful connection with someone bigger than yourself, which will leads to a positive emotions like peace, gratitude, self connection, accpetance and awe.
  • Emotional well being is about cultivating a positive state of mind which can broaden to recognize and incorporate a connection to something larger than yourself.

Spirituality is the path that leads us to a self awakening , self connection, inner peace, purpose and understanding of self and the universe. Let us not overlook the importance of nurturing our spiritual selves. By encouraging mindfulness and gratitude we can get the potential with and can find harmony in this unstable world. In the aim of Spirituality we will find that essence of life lies not in what we accumulate, but we grow within our souls.


  1. It is easier to understand the concept of Spirituality after reading these lines

  2. I Hope to learn something new from the content ✌️

  3. Spirituality is described in very simple words .πŸ‘

  4. It's very important to being spritual, in spirituality you cultivate your emotional intelligence.

  5. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ nice again on great topic

  6. Congratulations Manisha, great topics

    1. Wonderful attempt .keep it up .😊🌹🌹


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